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    3 products and services found for "grx 2"
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  • BP000609-ENZ-130: Recombinant E. coli Glutaredoxin 2

    Source: E. coli-derived.
    Purity > 95%, by SDS-PAGE.

  • BP000609-ENZ-360: Recombinant Yeast Glutaredoxin 2

    Source: E. coli-derived.
    Purity > 90%, by SDS-PAGE.
    Applications: ELISA, WB, strongly binds to glutathione, reduced and oxidized.

  • BP000609-ENZ-466: Recombinant Human Glutaredoxin 2

    Source: E. coli-derived.
    Purity > 90%, by SDS-PAGE.

About our grx 2 products
3 grx 2 products are offered for sale on, and welcome to contact us if you are interested in more grx 2 related products, which may be under development and close to be listed for sale. We have always tried our best to reduce cost to offer the cheapest grx 2 products.
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