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    65 products and services containing "growth hormone"
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  • BP000202-CYT-202: Recombinant Human Growth Hormone

    Source: E.Coli-derived.
    GH contains 3 units/mg corresponding to a Specific Activity of 333,334 ng/ml.
    Purity: > 98.0% by RP-HPLC and SDS-PAGE.

  • BP000202-CYT-237: Recombinant Ovine Growth Hormone

    Source: E. Coli-derived.
    The activity as determined by the dose-dependant stimulation of the proliferation FDCP13B9 cells.
    Purity: > 98.0% by RP-HPLC and SDS-PAGE.

  • BP000202-CYT-259: Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Pituitary 20 kDa

    Source: E.Coli-derived.
    Purity: > 98.0% by RP-HPLC and SDS-PAGE.

  • BP000202-CYT-296: Recombinant Rat Growth Hormone

    Source: E.Coli-derived.
    Purity: > 97.0% by RP-HPLC and SDS-PAGE.

  • BP000202-CYT-529: Recombinant Gilthead Seabream Growth Hormone

    Source: E. Coli-derived.
    Binding assays of the 125I-labeled gilthead seabream GH to dolphin fish liver microsomal fraction resulted in high specific binding characterized by a Ka of 1.93 nM and a Bmax of 540 fmol/mg microsomal fraction protein. Recombinant gilthead seabream Growth Hormone, like ovine placental lactogen, exhibited growth-stimulating activity when applied orally to Sparus aurata larvae or intraperitoneally to juvenile fish.
    Purity > 98%, by reducing SDS?PAGE and SEC-HPLC.

  • BP000202-CYT-709: Recombinant Zebrafish Mutant Growth Hormone

    Source: E. Coli-derived.
    Purity > 99%, by reducing SDS?PAGE and SEC-HPLC.

  • BP000202-CYT-710: Recombinant Zebrafish Growth Hormone

    Source: E. Coli-derived.
    Zebrafish Growth-Hormone is biologically active in PDF-P1 3B9 cells stably transfected with rabbit GH receptors.
    Purity > 99%, by reducing SDS?PAGE and SEC-HPLC.


  • BP000202-CYT-091: Recombinant Human Growth Hormone, HEK

    Source: HEK-derived.
    The activity was determined by the dose dependent stimulation of the proliferation of rat lymphoma line Nb2-11 cells (prolactin indicator cell line) and is typically 0.4-2 ng/ml.
    Purity > 95%, by reducing SDS-PAGE.

  • BP000202-CYT-430: Recombinant Chicken Growth Hormone

    Source: E.Coli-derived.
    GH Chicken Recombinantis fully biologically active in homologous assays and in PDF-P1 3B9 cells stably transfected with rabbit GH receptors.
    Purity > 99%, by reducing SDS?PAGE and SEC-HPLC.

  • BP000202-CYT-498: Recombinant Denis Growth Hormone

    Source: E.Coli-derived.
    Purity > 97%, by reducing SDS?PAGE and SEC-HPLC.

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