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    65 products and services containing "growth hormone"
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  • BP000202-CYT-499: Recombinant Mai Mai Growth Hormone

    Source: E.Coli-derived.
    Purity > 97%, by reducing SDS?PAGE and SEC-HPLC.

  • BP000202-CYT-514: Recombinant Rabbit Growth Hormone

    Source: E.Coli-derived.
    Purity > 97%, by reducing SDS-PAGE and SEC-HPLC.

  • BP000202-CYT-519: Recombinant Porcine Growth Hormone

    Source: E. coli-derived.
    Biological activity: Somatotropin contains 3 units/mg.
    Purity: > 98.0% as determined by RP-HPLC and SDS-PAGE.

  • BP000202-CYT-540: Recombinant Mouse Growth Hormone

    Source: E. coli-derived.
    Recombinant Mouse Growth Hormone is fully biologically active when compared to standard Human Growth Hormone which is 3 units/mg.
    Purity: > 95.0% as determined by RP-HPLC and SDS-PAGE.

  • BP000202-CYT-594: Recombinant Ovine Placental Growth Hormone

    Source: E. coli-derived.
    Ovine placental Grwoth Hormone is fully biologically active when compared to World Health Organization (WHO) reference standard using in vitro bioassay in PDF-P1 3B9 cells stably transfected with rabbit GH receptors. It is also capable of forming a 1:2 complex with the recombinant ovine growth hormone receptor extracellular domain (ECD).
    Purity: > 98.0% as determined by SEC-HPLC and SDS-PAGE.

  • BP000202-CYT-053: Recombinant Human Growth Hormone, Plant

    Source: Nicotiana benthamiana plant-derived.
    The biological activity of human Growth Hormone is measured by cell proliferation using Nb2-11 cells. ED50 < 0.04-0.1 ng/mL.
    Purity > 95.0% 97.0% as determined by SDS-PAGE.

  • BP000202-CYT-297: Recombinant Carp Growth Hormone

    Source: E.Coli-derived.
    Carp GH is biologically active in rat 3T3 F442A preadipocytes, though its activity is 15-fold lower compared to bovine GH, but it is equally potent in vivo in promoting carp growth (Fine et al.1993). Furthermore, carp GH forms 1:2 complex with the extra cellular domain of ovine growth hormone receptor.
    Purity > 95.0% as determined by RP-HPLC and SDS-PAGE.

  • BP000202-CYT-636: Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone

    Source: E.coli-derived.
    The activity as determined by the PDFP13B9 cells stably transfected with rabbit GH receptors. Bovine GH is also capable of forming a 1:2 complex with the recombinant ovine growth hormone receptor extracellular domain (ECD).
    Purity: > 98.0% as determined by SEC-HPLC and SDS-PAGE.

  • BP000203-CYT-238: Recombinant Human GHBP

    Source: E. coli-derived.
    GHBP is fully biologically active as evidenced by its ability of forming 2:1 complex with HGH
    Purity > 98%, by SDS-PAGE and RP-HPLC.

  • BP000203-CYT-470: Recombinant Ovine GHBP

    Source: E. coli-derived.
    Purity > 95%, by SDS-PAGE and RP-HPLC.

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