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    33 products and services containing "proteinase k solution"
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  • MB134: Universal SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix, Antibody-Based

    * High detection sensitivity.
    * More stable amplification curve with low concentration template.
    * Reduced formation of primer dimers and improved specificity of qPCR products.
    * Convenient, easy, and quick operation.


    MB137: Universal SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix, Chemical-Based

    * Universal on all platforms: Special ROX reference dye suitable for all qPCR instruments; no need to adjust ROX concentration on different qPCR instruments.
    * Rigorous hot-start enzyme: Chemically modified Taq DNA Polymerase providing high amplification specificity.
    * Optimized reaction buffer formula: Minimizing non-specific amplification and primer dimerization.
    * High amplification performance: repeatable and reliable quantitative results.

  • MB042-EUT: Taq DNA Polymerase

    * High efficiency. The extension time of the Taq DNA polymerase is shorter than 30 seconds per kb DNA. Easily amplify DNA fragments up to 5 kb.
    * High purity. >98% homogeneous of the Taq DNA polymerase by SDS gel electrophoresis. No contamination detected in standard PCR test reactions.
    * Reproducible results. No visible activity change after storage of the Taq DNA polymerase at room temperature for 3 months to amplify a single-copy gene from human genome with high efficiency.
    * Terminal transferase activity of adding a single nucleotide (adenosine) at 3' end of the extension product, facilitating TA cloning of PCR products.
    * Low cost: 2.8+ cents per unit. The cheapest PCR enzyme in the market.

  • MB123: Heat-Labile UDG

    * Irreversibly inactivated above 50°C.
    * Rapid and complete inactivation of the enzyme.
    * The cheapest heat-labile UDG in the market.


    MB124: E.coli UDG

    * Irreversibly inactivated above 50°C.
    * The cheapest E.coli UDG in the market.


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