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    2 products and services containing "growth hormone antagonist"
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  • BP000202-CYT-215: Recombinant Ovine Growth Hormone Antagonist

    Source: E.Coli-derived.
    Biological Activity: GH G119R acts as antagonist using an in vitro bioassay in PDF-P1 3B9 cells stably transfected with rabbit GH receptors. It is capable of forming a 1:1 complex with the recombinant ovine growth hormone receptor extracellular domain (ECD) and binds to this ECD with affinity similar the the wild type GH.
    Purity> 98.0% as determined by SEC-HPLC and SDS-PAGE.

  • BP000202-CYT-538: Recombinant Chicken Growth Hormone Antagonist

    Source: E.Coli-derived.
    Purity> 98.0% as determined by SEC-HPLC and SDS-PAGE.
    Biological Activity: Recombinant Chicken Growth Hormone G119R mutant did not bind to ovine GHR-ECD and was devoid of any biological activity in FDC-P1 3B9 cells. However, in binding experiments that were carried out using chicken liver membranes, both ovine GH and chicken GH showed similar IC50 values in competition with 125I-ovine GH, while the IC50 of G119R mutein was 10-fold higher.

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