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PC4 Protein

Positive cofactor 4, p14, P15, SUB1 homolog, RPO2TC1, Activated RNA polymerase II transcriptional coactivator p15, MGC102747

Catalog No. Product Name Size List Price (US$) Quantity
BP002239-PRO-835 Recombinant Human Positive cofactor 4 Protein 10 ug 160.00
BP002239-PRO-835 Recombinant Human Positive cofactor 4 Protein 1 mg 5200.00

SUB1 is a coactivator that functions together with TAFs and mediates functional interactions between upstream activators and the general transcriptional machinery. SUB1 interacts with the activation domain of transcription factor IIA (TFIIA) and TATA-binding protein (TBP)-associated factors (TAFs) to directly bind to double stranded DNA. SUB1 induces both activation and repression of RNAPII basal transcription, depending on the presence or absence of these transcription factors and holoenzyme components.

BP002239-PRO-835: Recombinant Human Positive cofactor 4 (PC4) Protein

Source: E. coli-derived.
Recombinant Human Positive cofactor 4 (PC4) Protein is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 147 amino acids (1-127 a.a.) and having a molecular mass of 16.5 kDa. SUB1 protein is fused to a 20 amino acid His tag at N-terminus and is purified by standard chromatography.
Purity: > 90% as determined by SDS-PAGE.
Formulation: SUB1 Human solution containing 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 2 M NaCl, 5 mM DTT & 20% glycerol.

Shipping: The product is shipped with ice pack. Upon receipt, store it immediately at the temperature recommended below.
Stability & Storage: Use a manual defrost freezer and avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
12 months from date of receipt, -20 to -70°C as supplied.

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