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Protein Expression in Bacteria

Catalog No. Product Name Size List Price (US$) Quantity
BS003A Expression Optimization Service 1 package Request
BS003B Small, Middle or Large Scale Expression 1 package Request
BS003C DNA Subcloning + Expression Optimization 1 package Request
BS003D DNA Subcloning + Expression Optimization + Small, Middle or Large Scale Expression 1 package Request
BS003E Gene Synthesis + DNA Subcloning + Expression Optimization 1 package Request
BS003F Gene Synthesis + DNA Subcloning + Expression Optimization + Small, Middle or Large Scale Expression 1 package Request

Express your proteins with or without tags in bacterial, yeast, insect, or mammalian cells. We provide free consulting services for selecting expression vectors. If your proteins will be used for antibody development, we provide free consulting services for selecting protein fragments with higher immunogenicity and antigen specificity.

We can optimize stable and transient expression for secreted or intracellular, cytosolic or periplasmic, tagged or untagged proteins. We assess expression levels using the methods of SDS-PAGE, Western, ELISA or functional analysis. We optimize protein expression by modification of the following factors:

a. promoter
b. ribosome binding site
c. vector copy number
d. host cell
e. growth condition including media and additives induction, time, and temperature

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